My Story With Covid

Events in our lives happen for a reason. Sometimes when something bad happens to us it can be a blessing in disguise. That is what I believe happened to me. In December of 2020 in the whirlwind of the Covid-19 “pandemic” I came down with Sars Cov-2 which was confirmed by a required test by my employer. I had been seeing the reports of people becoming seriously ill and even dying from the infection. My own personal summation was that it was probably no different than the flu. My own symptoms supported my theory at first. I had some stuffiness in my nose for about two weeks which was similar to when I would get occasional allergies. On about the fifth day of stuffiness I lost my sense of taste which returned about four or five days later. I had no aches, pains, fever or any other symptoms to speak of. It was the second week of December and by the start of Christmas week I was feeling better. However, as January of 2021 set in I began to experience other symptoms. I was starting to get some coughing at night along with shortness of breath and wheezing. These symptoms always seemed to increase at night. Thankfully, I have been pretty healthy with a setback around 1998 having a bout with bronchitis and as a result I had been prescribed an inhaler to take as needed. In past years,  I would occasionally use my inhaler in the fall and winter seasons as the cold weather would make it more difficult to breathe. In the most recent years , the use of my inhaler was almost non existent and could go most of the time without it. Now, suddenly in January of 2021 I had to make sure that I had my inhaler at all times. So I visited my doctor and I was given a methylprednisolone pack and an antibiotic to clear up the infection. After taking those, it was now nearing the end of February 2021 and I was feeling no better even though I had a follow up chest x-ray which was normal. Feeling frustrated, I decided I had to try and find answers as to why I was not getting better. I began to read articles and watch videos with physicians and other health professionals discussing covid. Also, I began to see something strange in the media and on social media. Many of the doctors and health professionals who had conflicting opinions with Dr. Fauci, the C.D.C. and other health agencies were being taken off social media and being silenced. I had watched two physicians on you tube talking about our immune systems, how they function by sharing bacteria and viruses by coming in contact with each other which builds up our bacterial flora and immune systems. The doctors were questioning the logic of social distancing and isolation which was the complete opposite of how our immune systems work. Had the science of the human immune system suddenly changed?                                                                                                               Then one night I watched some videos of doctors discussing covid that would change my life for the  better. On You Tube,  I was watching a podcast of Dr. Moybeen Syed talking with Dr.  Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik and their discussion shed new light on my situation with covid. Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik gave the reason my treatment of steroids had not been effective for me. The doctors spoke of how covid greatly affects our lungs, and explained how covid is different than other viruses due to the overwhelming amount of inflammation it causes in our bodies along with the high risk of thrombolytic events that can occur with it. The doctors explained that there are two different stages of the infection. First, there is the viral replication stage where the virus infects our bodies and replicates for around seven days. After this, the virus dies which leaves an overwhelming amount of dead viral debris in our bodies. This dead viral debris triggers the second stage of response known as the inflammatory stage or respiratory/ pulmonary stage. The inflammatory stage or phase is the dangerous phase that can result in ” profound immune dysregulation” as Dr. Marik calls it and systemic function abnormalities in our bodies with permanent damage that can leave us  in a chronic suboptimal state where we feel we can’t get back to normal. The doctors stressed the importance of treating their patients with ” pulsed” steroids at the right time (after the patient enters the inflammatory stage). That means you must have the right dosage at the right time and for the right duration of time. It occurred to me that my treatment earlier of a small dose of methylprednisolone was too small and for too short of time. Dr. Kory said it was important to treat with methylprednisolone because it reaches the lungs more quickly and effectively than other steroids like dexamethasone. He also stressed that the doctor must monitor the patient within the first twenty four hours, so that if the patient is not responding the steroidal dosage can be increased and the duration of time the patient is on the increased dose can be extended until the patient is feeling better. There was discussion of the use of ivermectin and how it was used for parasitic treatment but that ivermectin also had very good antiviral properties as well and was showing to be effective in treating the inflammatory stage of covid. However, in the news media there was great pushback and resistance from Dr. Fauci, C.D.C., the W.H.O. (world health organization) F.D.A. and other medical agencies denouncing the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. It was obvious to me that many of the doctors who had discovered a course of action or treatment that was working were blatantly being attacked and discredited simply for telling the public and their peers that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were working and their patients were improving. Not only were the attacks orchestrated, but the doctors were being censored in the media and on social media. Many of these doctors formed Americas Frontline Doctors to combat the censorship that was being used against them and to present the public with true and accurate information. Both Dr. Marik and Dr Kory whose videos I had been watching, formed the F.L.C.C.C. Alliance. The F.L.C.C.C. Alliance stands for Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance. These two organizations continue to face the Nazi style tactics of disinformation and censorship. The doctors in Americas Frontline Doctors and the F.L.C.C. Alliance are boldly standing for medical truth and science, following their hippocratic oath and sharing true critical knowledge that they have discovered to prevent covid and to minimize or more importantly reverse its effects. When the sharing of information and different points of view are forbidden then science ceases and coercion takes its place.                                    As for my situation, it was now March 2021 and I still had the coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing. Also, I was continuing to overuse my inhaler. I made the decision to go and see one of the doctors who was a member of the F.L.C.C.C Alliance that Dr Kory had mentioned in one of his videos. It was going to be an out of pocket expense, but I didn’t care if it meant I could get back to feeling normal again and having my health restored. On March 24, 2021,  I made the almost five hour trip to the Lung Center of America in Centerville Ohio to see Dr. Fred Wagshul. In speaking to Dr. Wagshul and  describing my symptoms of coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing I told him I was convinced I was a ” long hauler.” A long hauler is a person who has had persistent symptoms of covid for longer than one month and they can not get back to a normal state of health or feeling better. After Dr. Wagshul examined me he said he did not believe I was a “long hauler” because I didn’t have many of the symptoms like dizziness, headaches, brain fog, or aches and pains but that all of my symptoms were respiratory related. Either way, we both agreed that I needed to get back to feeling better. Dr. Wagshul prescribed ivermectin and two antibiotics along with a follow up phone appointment in a few weeks. After getting the prescription filled, I started to have some trepidation about the two antibiotics I was to take after reading about some of the possible side effects that could occur. I decided I would not take the antibiotics but that I would take the ivermectin. I started taking the ivermectin in the first week in April 2021 and by the fifth day my symptoms started to improve. The first thing I noticed was the shortness of breath was gone. Also, my use of the inhaler began to lessen from every few hours to intermittently on some nights. My wheezing also lessened to every few days instead of every day. I gauged my health status as going from sixty percent to eighty-five percent. I felt I still had not arrived at the point of eliminating the use of my inhaler or my wheezing to what it was before I got covid. As my ivermectin treatment was ending in a few more days, I was hoping I would reach one hundred percent back to normal health status. As May of 2021 came to a close, my health status remained at eighty-five percent.  I felt that I still had not arrived at the point of eliminating the use of my inhaler or my wheezing to what they were before I got covid.  On June 8, 2021 in a phone appointment with Dr. Wagshul , I told him that I felt my health status was at eighty-five percent and that I had not taken the two antibiotics he had previously prescribed back in March as I was concerned about the possible side effects. Dr. Wagshul strongly recommended I take the two antibiotics I had not taken, along with prednisone and an additional two other antibiotics. My new round of treatment would finish up in thirty days and a follow up phone appointment was scheduled for July 6, 2021. On June 10, 2021 I started my treatment of the antibiotics and prednisone tablets and by June 17th  I was feeling much better. My antibiotics and prednisone were finished on July 13,2021 and I can say my health status went from eighty-five percent to one hundred percent. Thankfully, to this day I can say I am back to normal health. As I look back to those seven months I am thankful to God and grateful for the doctors I had watched and continue to watch that are bringing the truth to the public on how to defeat sars-cov-2. My eyes have been opened to the deception, disinformation and the pure corruption and greed that has overtaken the federal agencies and so called medical authorities. I am grateful to Dr. Wagshul and for his courage and commitment to do the right thing for his patients in the face of the lies and attacks on his integrity and professionalism. This goes way beyond politics and reaches our own rights to live in the blessings of good health.                                     The war wages against any doctor who uses ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine by medical boards of hospitals and by other health/medical agencies. Why are successful treatments and medicines that doctors have discovered to be working against covid being discredited? There is an unholy alliance between governments, medical authorities and pharmaceutical companies. When there is no liability for pharmaceutical companies to face prosecution for damages incurred to people from their so called “vaccines” common sense is lost and the financial temptation and greed take over. There are effective medicines like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin that work but are deliberately being withheld. I am proof that ivermectin works.                                                                                                                                     The attempted forced vaccinations bear witness to the bond between governments and big pharma. One of the principle attributes that define a vaccine is that a vaccine stops the transmission of the virus or pathogen. People still get covid even if they have had the so called ” vaccines.” We need to question the validity of trying to mandate a so called “vaccine” against a virus that has a 99.8 percent survival rate. The most important and most crucial point is none, none of these so called vaccines are proven safe let alone effective. The benefits should outweigh the risks especially for children but there is growing evidence that the risk of taking the “vaccine” is producing serious adverse affects. There are increasing cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots and other conditions like Guillain-Barre syndrome which in a normal trial scenario would of immediately halted the distribution of the so called” vaccines.” Not only is Fauci and the C.D.C. not stopping distribution, but they are pushing ahead full speed in trying to get children injected. No one knows the long term effects of the so called vaccines that are in reality an experimental gene therapy. Then to try to have people get a “vaccine” on someone who has had covid and recovered makes no logical sense defying your body’s own innate immune system to fight any new variant of the pathogen.                                                                                                                                                How can doctors do no harm or provide the best care for their patients when they are being lied to? There is an enormous lack of transparency and a deliberate suppression of medical information which inhibits doctors to have the right tools to treat their patients. To try and force an experimental gene therapy in which the outcome is completely unknown violates the principle of a persons right of autonomy over their own body. We must make our own decisions about our health and must come to our conclusions as to benefits versus risks . Today, the greatest lesson I’ve learned is you can not trust those that you should be able to trust for reliable, truthful information. The argument of protecting the public health is null and void when no person knows if the so called” vaccines “will benefit anyone or more than likely produce the opposite effect. We must do our own research and discovery to find the truth and what is best for you and your loved ones. You must be your own advocate for you and your family.  When the censorship of information occurs then science ends and coercion begins.                           I am grateful to those doctors who are sharing their discovery of effective treatments in the face of what is pure censorship and intimidation. If a person googles Americas Frontline Doctors or the F.L.C.C.C. Alliance,  you will see some listings describing these organizations as “right wing” or “fringe” saying they are spreading disinformation. Nothing could be further from the truth. If finding an effective, healing treatment like ivermectin against sars-cov-2 and having my health restored is “right wing” or extremist then I am all in.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RECENT RESEARCH ON COVID                                                                       In watching Dr.Marik and Dr. Kory along with Dr. Sayeed I now understand that Sars-Cov2  is not like any other virus. Whether you believe it was bioengineered to be used as a bio weapon or not, it has a sinister nature of being difficult to treat. The good news is that new treatment protocols are being found and implemented to help restore covid patients back to good health. Dr. Mariks latest research shows covid is a complicated disease which can keep us in a suboptimal state of health. This is due to the multiple pathways it can affect with vascular involvement and microvascular thrombosis which can lead to vascular inflammation and infarcts in the brain. In speaking to Dr. Wagshul,  he told me that when we get infected with covid it can reactivate the past dormant viruses in our bodies to begin to attack our immune systems again. In my situation, with my past history of bronchitis I now understand why I began to experience coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing in my lungs. It is possible the virus that originally caused my bronchitis was reactivated in December of 2020 when I was infected with the sars-cov-2 pathogen. Dr. Mariks research also shows the covid pathogen causes certain structures within our cells to get switched on or become activated to be ” inflammatory mediators.” These inflammatory mediators such as monocytes and macrophages then begin to cause devastating inflammation and fluid retention. Dr. Marik has come up with the I Recover Protocol to combat the inflammation and help reprogram the cell components to stop producing the inflammation. Melatonin was mentioned as an example of a possible switch that could help regulate the inflammatory mediators. Also, macrophage monocytes repolarization therapy is showing great promise. Dr. Marik names vitamins and supplements that can also help fight the effects of covid and help prevent recurrence. Vitamin D3, vitamin C, and Omega 3 fatty acids along with Melatonin and Zinc  may be a key staple to your daily regimen. It is important to check with your doctor to be sure these vitamins and supplements don’t interfere with any medications you may be taking. Dr. Bryan Ardis ( in Dallas, Texas also suggests vitamins and supplement protocols to combat covid. He also has vaccine protocols to assist vaccinated people to build up their immune systems. Dr. Ardis says that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are excellent ionophores. Ionophores are substances that are able to transport zinc ions into our cells to help prevent the covid virus from replicating. For those who have been ” vaccinated” Dr. Ardis recommends apple pectin powder to help detox and chelate (remove) toxic metals.                                                                   Dr. Harvey Risch professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health also believes that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have a crucial role to play in helping us overcome covid. He is concerned with the deliberate suppression of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine along with the forced intrusion of various medical agencies and boards into the independence of the doctor-patient relationship by denying the physicians to even consider using them as treatments against covid. In an interview with Jan Jekielek of the Epoch Times, Dr. Risch says there is a role for treatments of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. ” The real problem is that we’ve learned from Aids viral illnesses are difficult to treat by single medications. They require two or three to clobber the virus in different ways.” This would suggest that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine can prove to be valuable tools that when combined with other medicines and treatments they could help deliver a fatal blow to the grip of covid and tip the scale so that patients can finally return to a normal state of health. Dr. Risch’s website provides valuable information on the evidence of treatments like antibiotics, steroids, vitamins, zinc, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Risch believes natural immunity is how we will get out of this situation with covid. In his Epoch Times interview he says ” natural immunity is how we’re going to get out of this endemic disease.” ” Vaccine immunity works but it’s short lived. Natural immunity is much longer lived in spite of all the propaganda saying “Well we don’t know how long natural immunity is.” “Well do we know how long vaccine immunity is? Well, no. Natural immunity is better. It’s been better. There’s now 124 studies on website. It grows by a half a dozen studies a week, if not more, looking at natural immunity and how well it works. This is virology 101. Natural immunity was known to the Greeks. They knew that people only got sick once from a disease and got over it and were immune to it when it came back. You can’t suddenly say that all human knowledge disappears because you have a vested interest in selling a product that can’t allow that to be true. That’s how we end this pandemic, by having large amounts of natural immunity which makes any subsequent waves into bumps, and bumps that are treatable bumps, and that’s how we get through it. We have to do that by opening the tap to the medications that work. Whether they’re new medications or old medications, expensive or cheap, we have to make them practical, safe, usable, and that’s what’s going to get us out of this.”                                                                                                                                                                          Today, there is push to give the world population the so called “vaccines” even with a high survivability rate with covid and to turn the “vaccinated” against the “unvaccinated.”  This is not about public health, but more about deceiving and conditioning us into thinking that our own immune systems aren’t capable of fighting off viruses and diseases that we must always have a so called “vaccine” and all the subsequent booster shots that will never end.                                                                                                                                   Dr. Shankara Chetty who practices medicine in South Africa is another great example of what a brilliant, caring doctor can do for his community and his country. In his treating of patients being attacked by covid, his keen observations have brought some new revelation and a protocol called the” eighth day treatment.” His treatment was born out of his observation that many of his patients would present with new onsets of symptoms precisely eight days from the initial infection of covid. Many of his patients displayed shortness of breath with decreases in oxygen saturation levels. To Dr. Chetty this seemed different from a normal viral pneumonia. He proceeded to investigate the root cause of why many of his patients were returning with a new severity of symptoms almost always on the eighth day from initial covid infection. After considering the possible pathologies for the sudden return of symptoms on the eighth day, he reasoned that it was the patients body responding to covid  similar to the way it would to an allergic reaction where your body becomes hypersensitive to the allergen. This response causes degranulation which releases mast cells along with other effector cells and huge amounts of histamine which can cause a severe inflammatory response. Dr. Chetty says the patient is dealing with a mast cell activation syndrome (M.C.A.S.) at this point. He then employs promethazine( which is an H1 type antihistamine) and steroids on the eighth day and the results have been amazing. His patients have recovered quickly and without the need of oxygen and hospitalization. Dr.Chetty believes there are two phases to covid infection. The first stage being the infection where the virus is replicating then dies on  about day seven. Stage two then begins known as the inflammatory stage where the real damage to our various body systems can occur. He also says that the inflammatory stage can further be broken down into smaller progressive substages. Substage one is the mast cell degranulation which is the body’s hypersensitivity to the virus and if recognized in time the eighth day treatment can be started and it could be possible to stop the progression from advancing into the next substage, hyperinflammatory substage (after 10 days) or the hypercoagulatory substage(after 14 days). Regardless of where the patient is in the progression of covid, Dr. Chetty stresses it is critical to break the cycle of continuous, progressing inflammatory response that our bodies have to covid before permanent damage is done. When a person continues to suffer from the inflammatory effects from covid they become “long haulers” where they feel they can never return to a normal state of health. By getting the right treatments at the right time the inflammatory cycle of covid can be stopped and we can get back to our normal state of health.                                                                                                                                                                              My desire by sharing my story with covid is to give hope to those who are suffering from covid and to say don’t give up because there are effective treatments and protocols that can get you back to feeling better and return you to your normal state of health, I am proof of that.                                                                         Special gratitude and thanks to Dr. Fred Wagshul, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr.Paul Marik, Dr. Moybeen Sayed, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Shankara Chetty and all of Americas Frontline Doctors and members of the F.L.C.C.C. Alliance for their pursuit of the truth and turning that evidence into effective treatments and protocols to help those suffering from covid return to a normal state of health.                                                                                                            Kevin Smith

2 thoughts on “My Story With Covid

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      Whether you believe in God or not, this is a must-read message!!!

      Throughout time, we can see how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you know that the Bible foretold of this event almost 2,000 years ago?

      In Revelation 13:16-18, we read,

      “He (the false prophet who decieves many by his miracles) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

      Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

      Referring to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why? Revelation 13:17 tells us that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that states we need the mark to buy or sell!

      These verses could not be referring to something purely spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one “OR” the other. If this mark was purely spiritual, it would indicate only in one place.

      This is where it really starts to come together. It is shocking how accurate the Bible is concerning the implatnable RFID microchip. These are notes from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this RFID chip

      “Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

      Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

      Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places the Bible says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

      Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16–18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this is referring to a hypodermic needle when they poke into the skin to inject the microchip.”

      Mr. Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by saying a terrible sore would appear in that location. This is what the book of Revelation says:

      “And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).

      You can read more about it here–and to also understand the mystery behind the number 666:

      The third angel’s warning in Revelation 14:9-11 states,

      “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.'”

      Who is Barack Obama, and why is he still in the public scene?

      So what’s in the name? The meaning of someone’s name can say a lot about a person. God throughout history has given names to people that have a specific meaning tied to their lives. How about the name Barack Obama? Let us take a look at what may be hiding beneath the surface.

      Jesus says in Luke 10:18, “…I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

      The Hebrew Strongs word (H1299) for “lightning”: “bârâq” (baw-rawk)

      In Isaiah chapter 14, verse 14, we read about Lucifer (Satan) saying in his heart:

      “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.”

      In the verses in Isaiah that refer directly to Lucifer, several times it mentions him falling from the heights or the heavens. The Hebrew word for the heights or heavens used here is Hebrew Strongs 1116: “bamah”–Pronounced (bam-maw’)

      In Hebrew, the letter “Waw” or “Vav” is often transliterated as a “U” or “O,” and it is primarily used as a conjunction to join concepts together. So to join in Hebrew poetry the concept of lightning (Baraq) and a high place like heaven or the heights of heaven (Bam-Maw), the letter “U” or “O” would be used. So, Baraq “O” Bam-Maw or Baraq “U” Bam-Maw in Hebrew poetry similar to the style written in Isaiah, would translate literally to “Lightning from the heights.” The word “Satan” in Hebrew is a direct translation, therefore “Satan.”

      So when Jesus told His disciples in Luke 10:18 that He beheld Satan fall like lightning from heaven, if this were to be spoken by a Jewish Rabbi today influenced by the poetry in the book of Isaiah, he would say these words in Hebrew–the words of Jesus in Luke 10:18 as, And I saw Satan as Baraq O Bam-Maw.

      The names of both of Obama’s daughters are Malia and Natasha. If we were to write those names backward (the devil does things in reverse) we would get “ailam ahsatan”. Now if we remove the letters that spell “Alah” (Allah being the false god of Islam), we get “I am Satan”. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

      Obama’s campaign logo when he ran in 2008 was a sun over the horizon in the west, with the landscape as the flag of the United States. In Islam, they have their own messiah that they are waiting for called the 12th Imam, or the Mahdi (the Antichrist of the Bible), and one prophecy concerning this man’s appearance is the sun rising in the west.

      “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.'” (Revelation 14:6-7)

      Why have the word’s of Jesus in His Gospel accounts regarding His death, burial, and resurrection, been translated into over 3,000 languages, and nothing comes close? The same God who formed the heavens and earth that draws all people to Him through His creation, likewise has sent His Word to the ends of the earth so that we may come to personally know Him to be saved in spirit and in truth through His Son Jesus Christ.

      Jesus stands alone among the other religions that say to rightly weigh the scales of good and evil and to make sure you have done more good than bad in this life. Is this how we conduct ourselves justly in a court of law? Bearing the image of God, is this how we project this image into reality?

      Our good works cannot save us. If we step before a judge, being guilty of a crime, the judge will not judge us by the good that we have done, but rather by the crimes we have committed. If we as fallen humanity, created in God’s image, pose this type of justice, how much more a perfect, righteous, and Holy God?

      God has brought down His moral laws through the 10 commandments given to Moses at Mt. Siani. These laws were not given so we may be justified, but rather that we may see the need for a savior. They are the mirror of God’s character of what He has put in each and every one of us, with our conscious bearing witness that we know that it is wrong to steal, lie, dishonor our parents, murder, and so forth.

      We can try and follow the moral laws of the 10 commandments, but we will never catch up to them to be justified before a Holy God. That same word of the law given to Moses became flesh about 2,000 years ago in the body of Jesus Christ. He came to be our justification by fulfilling the law, living a sinless perfect life that only God could fulfill.

      The gap between us and the law can never be reconciled by our own merit, but the arm of Jesus is stretched out by the grace and mercy of God. And if we are to grab on, through faith in Him, He will pull us up being the one to justify us. As in the court of law, if someone steps in and pays our fine, even though we are guilty, the judge can do what is legal and just and let us go free. That is what Jesus did almost 2,000 years ago on the cross. It was a legal transaction being fulfilled in the spiritual realm by the shedding of His blood.

      For God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). This is why in Isaiah chapter 53, where it speaks of the coming Messiah and His soul being a sacrifice for our sins, why it says it pleased God to crush His only begotten Son.

      This is because the wrath that we deserve was justified by being poured out upon His Son. If that wrath was poured out on us, we would all perish to hell forever. God created a way of escape by pouring it out on His Son whose soul could not be left in Hades but was raised and seated at the right hand of God in power.

      So now when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14), God no longer sees the person who deserves His wrath, but rather the glorious image of His perfect Son dwelling in us, justifying us as if we received the wrath we deserve, making a way of escape from the curse of death–now being conformed into the image of the heavenly man in a new nature, and no longer in the image of the fallen man Adam.

      Now what we must do is repent and put our trust and faith in the savior, confessing and forsaking our sins, and to receive His Holy Spirit that we may be born again (for Jesus says we must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God–John chapter 3). This is not just head knowledge of believing in Jesus, but rather receiving His words, taking them to heart, so that we may truly be transformed into the image of God. Where we no longer live to practice sin, but rather turn from our sins and practice righteousness through faith in Him in obedience to His Word by reading the Bible.

      Our works cannot save us, but they can condemn us; it is not that we earn our way into everlasting life, but that we obey our Lord Jesus Christ:

      “And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” (Hebrews 5:9)

      “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.’

      Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’ And He said to me, ‘Write, for these words are true and faithful.’

      And He said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.'” (Revelation 21:1-8).

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        Wow! Thank you Brenna for your very informative, biblical insight and revealing commentary. I believe we are approaching the end times as we are seeing biblical prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes. Thank you and God bless you.

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