About me

Welcome fellow patriots and thank you for choosing one mans america. I am an ordinary American citizen who is greatful to our military for their sacrifices to help keep us free and I am blessed and thankful to God to live in the United States of America ” the shining city on a hill” as President Ronald Reagan called it. I believe as he did that if the light of freedom is extinguished here in America then the darkness of communism and socialism will fall on all the nations of the world. Now, today our childrens futures are severely threatened as we are in a battle for the very heart and soul of America, a battle between the darkness and hell of communism and the light and freedom of our Constitutional Republic. This unholy darkness has captured the pillars of society which are government, media, law and education and now these pillars are crumbling. I believe the writings of the founding fathers found in the federalist papers, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights are the instruction manual for the United States of America. They are immutable and unchanging. I believe the founders and their founding documents were inspired by our Creator God written about in the Bible and in the Declaration of Independence and our inalienable rights come from Him. This website is dedicated to defending and protecting those inalienable rights, freedoms, liberties, ideas and precepts. I endeavor with Gods help and yours to stand against tyranny and restore the greatness of America with true and accurate teaching of limited government, limited dependence on government, personal responsibility and individualism.  Fear is slavery there is no fear in the truth….              Kevin Smith onemansamerica.com