Patriotic Americanism or Marxist Americanism which one will prevail?
In case you or I or anyone else hasn’t noticed, we are living in two different Americas in 2021. This difference is becoming painfully obvious with each passing day and presents a deadly problem of division in our nation. There has always been some conflict and division of varying degrees in American history but now a fire has been started and there is no turning back because this fire will become all consuming to each American citizen. This fire can’t be quenched, caused by two opposing forces, two opposite ideologies, burning deep into our very core beliefs and it will demand each of us to choose which one we will serve. There can be no middle ground, for it is a battle between the light of freedom and the darkness of tyranny and its happening right now in America. OUR INSTRUCTION MANUAL Our founding fathers knew this day would come again if Americas citizens were not mindful and vigilant in safe guarding our precious freedoms and liberties and so they created an instruction manual for America. What is our instruction manual? The instruction manual is the Constitution ,the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights along with the founding fathers writings like the federalist papers. When we view our current problems through the lens of our instruction manual we can now understand why we are living in two different Americas in 2021. THE FOUNDERS ON VIRTUE AND MORALITY For example, Benjamin Franklin signer of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and our sixth president wrote ” only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious they have need of masters.” George Washington a general in the continental army and our first president said ” virtue and morality are a necessary spring of government.” John Adams a signer of the Declaration of Independence and our second president wrote ” we have no government capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion… our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” CALLING GOOD EVIL AND EVIL GOOD But what happens when the foundations of virtue and morality have crumbled and we now call good evil and evil good? The result is a complete breakdown of society, its government and the over reaching governmental authority that comes from lack of judgement along with the corruption that sears a persons conscience when they are unwilling or unable to differentiate between right and wrong and good and evil. But who defines what is good and what is evil, man or his Creator? Our founders had this to say about our Creator in the words of the Declaration of Independence ” we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Benjamin Franklin wrote ” freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” That means that our rights, freedoms and liberties come from our Creator and NOT from man. Man and his government are NOT the final authority. AN INTERNAL GOVERNMENT What is it that governs us? The most important precept is not the external government of man but the internal government of our hearts that must restrain and guide us. This is why virtue and morality the founders spoke about is critical to our Constitutional Republic. Morality can be described as principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and evil behavior. It’s the extent to which an action is right or wrong. Virtue is defined as behavior showing high moral standards or conformity to a standard or right morality. The most important form of government is self government, the conscience of our hearts which comes from our spirit. For our Constitutional Republic to function correctly we must have the ability to govern ourselves and our behavior and to know the difference between right and wrong and good and evil. We must hold ourselves accountable for our actions and possess self responsibility. No amount of written laws or legislation can regulate the human heart or human nature. THE STANDARD FOR GOOD AND EVIL There was a standard, a foundation that many of the founders used to comprehend law, virtue and morality and that was the Bible. Benjamin Rush a signer of the Declaration of Independence wrote ” by renouncing the Bible philosophers swing from their moorings upon all moral subjects… it is the only correct map of the human heart that has been published. All systems of religion, morals and government not founded upon it ( the Bible) must perish and how consoling the thought it will not only survive the wreck of these systems but the world itself. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” ( Matthew1:18) THE BIBLES INFLUENCE The Bible was not the only influence to our founders as they studied Locke, Montesquieu, Blackstone and others but to say God the Creator and the Bible did not have a greater influence would be untrue. One only needs to visit the nations capital and see our various government buildings, halls, statues and monuments to see the scriptures and words from the Bible. You may want to see these things soon before the communists and cancel culture tries to remove the evidence or surround it with barbed wire again. Today, it appears that any biblical influence in our nations capital rings hollow with the establishment and the influence that reigns supreme is corruption and deceit. CORRUPTION IN BOTH PARTIES Currently, there is corruption in both parties but there is one critical difference that separates the two parties. The ideology of marxist communism has captured the Democratic party and it is actively trying and succeeding to subvert and destroy America and our instruction manual to ” fundamentally transform” America into a socialist/communist country. THE PILLARS OF SOCIETY This destruction and transformation is being accomplished by the successful infiltration of marxist communist ideology into the pillars of our society which are law, media, government and education. This is the final battle between our Constitutional Republic that acknowledges our rights, freedoms and liberties come from our Creator versus the godless authoritarianism of communism that believes man is the creator and ultimate controller of our lives. This war has been and is currently being waged in many nations, Venezuela comes to mind and historically America has come to the aid of these nations to defend against this tyranny with great sacrifice of American lives. Now, this war wages on America with only ourselves to come to our own rescue. PATRIOTIC AMERICANISM VERSUS MARXIST AMERICANISM It’s the final battle between patriotic americanism and marxist americanism. What is patriotic americanism and marxist americanism? Patriotic americanism is the American lifestyle, liberties and freedoms passed down, deriving from the unique form of government instilled by the founding fathers belief that our inalienable rights are given to us by our Creator, not derived from man and as such the institution of government is for the safety and protection of its citizens with minimal intrusion in their pursuit of happiness from government. Marxist americanism is an unconstrained, anarchistic form of government whose signature tool of division by race, class, wealth or other means is effectively used due to the infiltration of our pillars of society ( which are law, education, media and government ) to produce division, along with cultural and societal upheaval. Its ideology asserts man is the ultimate creator and giver of our rights and lives, there is no God, no absolute truth, morality or biblical standards to guide the human heart. It also disavows property rights ( which is critical to our Constitutional Republic ) and embraces the concept of societal collectivism that government and not the individual knows what is best for them and their families, thus fostering a cradle to grave governmental control of the individual. Remember, the key to how effective and good a government is how it treats its citizens. This marxist ideology is easily revealed by how it treats or values human life. Marxism/communism/ socialism always leaves a trail of death. This separation of the two Americas is becoming clearer and clearer with each passing day, especially with the attempted forcing of vaccinations which violates our Constitution. As government grows and becomes more tyrannical we will all be forced to choose which America we want to prevail. ITS NO MYSTERY There is no mystery or guesswork as to why younger generations of American youth are joining radical organizations like B.L.M. and Antifa. When we see various statues being torn down it is simply the result of the infiltration and indoctrination of marxist ideology into the pillars of society. This process is complete and has entrenched all levels of the pillars of society and also the highest levels of our government including the White House. A TIME OF CHOOSING The time has arrived when we must choose between our Constitutional Republic or communism. Do we continue to allow the hijacking and subversion of our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights or do we begin to stand up and take back our inherent power from a corrupt government? We the people have the inherent power and it is our duty to stand against tyranny or be ruled by it. Thomas Jefferson principle author of the Declaration of Independence and our third president said ” the Constitution of most of our states and the United States assert that all power is inherent in the people that they may exercise it by themselves: that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” James Madison our fourth president and considered to be the father of our Constitution said “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.” The time of choosing is upon us and we must now decide patriotic americanism or marxist americanism? Kevin Smith