If you want to build a structure or a building or anything that will endure then you must start with a foundation. The foundation is what your finished product will rest upon. If the foundation is not right then everything that is built upon it will not be right or true. The foundation must be strong, strong in the materials, […]
Turning America Into Nowhereica
A country without borders is not a country. There is an invasion into the United States of America occurring through our now dismantled southern border. The word invasion exactly describes what is taking place. Invasion can be described as an incursion of an army for conquest or plunder: the incoming of something usually hurtful: an act of invading. This continuous […]
My Story With Covid
Events in our lives happen for a reason. Sometimes when something bad happens to us it can be a blessing in disguise. That is what I believe happened to me. In December of 2020 in the whirlwind of the Covid-19 “pandemic” I came down with Sars Cov-2 which was confirmed by a required test by my employer. I had been […]
Patriotic Americanism or Marxist Americanism which one will prevail?
In case you or I or anyone else hasn’t noticed, we are living in two different Americas in 2021. This difference is becoming painfully obvious with each passing day and presents a deadly problem of division in our nation. There has always been some conflict and division of varying degrees in American history but now a fire has been started […]
Point of no return
How long to the point of no return? This question asked in one of the greatest songs in the late seventies brings back some great memories for me growing up as a teenager. The year was 1977 and the band was KANSAS who was becoming one of the most innovative and best progressive rock bands of that decade. For the […]